- The project site is located at a distance of approximately 100 km from Murcia and 25 km from Lorca.
- The site can easily by accessed via two sea ports: Cartagena and Carboneras.
- The site is located in one of the areas in Spain with the highest solar resource, i.e.>1.800 kWh/m2.
- The site is crossed by the A7 highway connecting Barcelona with Algeciras and running parallel to the Mediterranean coast.
- The ground and soil conditions are favorable for solar PV installations.
- The 3.150 Ha of the PV plant area are made up of 706 cadastral plots.
- An environmentally protected area (Lugar de Interés Comunitario; LIC) close to the site is excluded from the project footprint.
- Human settlements in the form of small towns are situated at least 500 m away from the project site.
- There is a 200 m buffer with any human settlement along the transmission line.
- No resettlement is involved.
- There are no known endangered habitats, parks, forests, wildlife, or cultural resources within the area of influence of project.
- Any site of historical importance in the vicinity of the project will be properly identified and protected.